Where is Your Hope?

“Be strong and take courage, all you whose hope is in the Lord”.  Ps 31:24 NEB

It isn’t easy to be hopeful in today’s world. Almost every day we hear of terrorist groups letting off bombs somewhere in the world. Revolts, crime and theft on a massive scale abound. Bribery is rife. Evil rulers exploit the poor and the weak. In this situation some people give up hoping that things will ever get better. They give in to despair and ask, “What’s the point?”

Following  harrowing experiences you might well succumb to despair as well. But don’t. Out of pain you emerge purified, strengthened and deepened. And look forward in hope. Your future is in your hands. Trust in your own strength and powers from now.

Whether you give in to despair or live in hope will make a huge difference. In fact if you decide to hope, that alone will give you some of the strength and the courage that you need to survive in this evil world. Hope gives you the positive attitude that you need to face and overcome setbacks, disappointments, failures, conflicts, hardship and illness. Rev yourself up with hope  and look forward to the future.

One comment on “Where is Your Hope?

  1. Pingback: Hope in the face of Despair. « HOW TO MAN UP

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